Have you got space for this?

Have you got space for....Sensitivity and Overwhelm?

The 3E Space Season 1 Episode 1

Welcome to the podcast, we are so excited you are here. 
Let's get ready to dive into our first topic and explore, get energised and feel empowered together!

In this episode, we hold space for the topics Sensitivity and Overwhelm. A shoutout to Jodi for this topic! 

Did you know that at least 1 in 5 of us are what is called Highly Sensitive and are HSP's? We all sit on a scale of sensitivity, and as HSP's ourselves, we share how our own sensitivities impact our lives.

Think you may be highly sensitive? Why not take the test by Elaine Aron who first coined this personality trait - https://hsperson.com/


00:00 Introduction and Setting the Stage
03:49 Exploring Sensitivity and Overwhelm
14:22 Navigating Sensitivity in the Workplace
18:44 Coping Mechanisms and Personal Responsibility
23:05 The Superpower of Sensitivity
26:18 Challenging Societal Norms Around Sensitivity
30:39 The Path to Healing and Acceptance
37:05 Keep Connected with us

You may also be interested in our new online workshop on Tuesday 3rd December. Designed specifically for HSP's on how to navigate the festive season with quiet resilience. Get your ticket here! Replay available too - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/quiet-resilience-a-sensitive-souls-workshop-for-surviving-the-holidays-tickets-1080253038919?aff=oddtdtcreator

Stay connected with us and view individual and workplace coaching services:

Website: www.the3espace.com
Instagram: @the_3e_space, @nickedgarcoaching, @iamjessfrost
Facebook: @the3espace, @nickedgarcoaching, @jessfrostempowerment
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-3e-space

DM us on social media with suggested topics or email us at contact@the3espace.com